Any changes to Services will be posted on this blog and Church notice boards.
Being aware of the most recent increase in those being affected by Covid, nb: Hand sanitising available /face masks/shields* (*personal matter): still encouraged at both churches: We are still moving forward with caution.
St. Peter’s Services
February 2025
2nd February (Candlemas) | 9:30 am | Holy Communion | Revd. Richard Bache |
9th February (The 4th Sunday before Lent) | 9:30 am | Holy Communion | Revd. Sue Tucker Preacher Bob Owens |
16th February (The 3rd Sunday before Lent) | 3:30 pm | Holy Communion | Revd. Sue Tucker |
23rd February (The 2nd Sunday before Lent) | 9:30 am | Holy Communion | Revd. Richard Bache |
St. Peter's Church will continue to be open from 10.a.m. to 4.p.m.
on Wednesdays as previously for private prayer only and also
on Sunday when there is no service.
Tavy St. Mary’s Services
February 2025
2nd February (The Presentation of Christ In the Temple, Candlemas) | 11.00 am | Sung Eucharist | Revd. Hazel Butland |
9th February (The 4th Sunday before Lent) | 11:00 am | Sung Eucharist | Ven. Nick Shutt |
16th February (The 3rd Sunday before Lent) | 11:00 am | Sung Eucharist | Revd. Sue Tucker |
23rd February (The 2nd Sunday before Lent) | 11:00 am | Sung Eucharist | Revd. Michael Loader |
St. Mary's will not be open for private prayer.
Contact Details for Church Wardens:
Sylvia Baish and Richard Fielder. (M.T.) Email:
Tel: 01822 810541 or 01822 810792
Angela Collins and Janet Bedford. (P.T.) Contact Angela Tel: 01822 810243